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Accreditation Preparation Toolkit: Electronic Training for Local Governing Entities

On Demand

Course Overview

Course Quality Rating


Course Description

NACCHO has developed electronic training modules for local health departments to use when they seek to engage their local governing entity (LGE) in the accreditation process. These modules are meant to be brief, informative, and general. More specific information about the local health department's readiness and preparation should be provided by the agency. This course is provided by and will require a secondary login and/or registration. Click the LAUNCH button below to start or be taken to the course. 

Target Audience

Public health department staff. Learning 


  1. Upon completion of this course, the learner will be able to: 
  2. Introduce public health accreditation 
  3. Briefly describe the accreditation process for local health departments 
  4. Describe the importance of quality improvement (QI) in public health 
  5. Explain the connection of QI and accreditation 
  6. Governing body roles 
  7. Governing bodies responsibilities related to accreditation 

Council of Linkages Core Competencies for Public Health Professionals (COL)/COL Tier(s)

2A10. Apply quality improvement strategies 

2B11. Develop continuous quality improvement strategies 

2C12. Implements organizational and system-wide strategies 

2C13. Integrates emerging trends 

6A 3. Relate public health sciences skills to core functions and essential services 

6B 3. Relates public health science skills 

6C 3. Core Public Health Functions and Ten Essential Services 

Professional/Disciplinary Competencies

None listed 


Online/ Self-study 

Credit /CEU

None available 


1 hr. 


None listed 

Course Publication Date

None listed 

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